Payment and seating

You can still make payments since a lot of you guys are still out of Malaysia or not at home, holiday-ing. So please, inform Zul Azwan after you've paid. Thanks

Original post
Finally you can make your payment now. It's still RM50 but we'll try to get sponsors so that we could reduce it a bit. The payments should be directed to Zul Azwan Ramly CIMB Bank 01070066887521. Here's what you need to do;
1. Deposit RM50 to the aforementioned account.
2. Take note of the reference/transaction number and the exact time and date of your transaction.
3. Immediately send a text message to Zul Azwan at 0127335868, providing him with all the 3 details above along with your name.

As for the seating plans, you have two options. Either you leave it to us or you want to sit with your friends, in that case, you need to include the table number in your text message to Zul Azwan. The floor plan of the banquet hall with table number will be posted here. All the white tables are available. The floor plan will be updated daily.

A few dates that you should remember. The dinner is on a Saturday, August 4 2007. The dateline of the payment is on a Friday, July 13 2007. Any late payments will be considered on a case-by-case basis. We're really sorry for the late notice. Thank you.

All the white tables are available for booking, once you've made the payment.